
Website developer with years commercial experience

Who am I

A highly motivated, logical thinker with a wealth of web development skills and team lead experience with great enthusiasm and the determination to succeed. My passion for problem solving drives my enthusiasm for web development as also being a person who strives to go above and beyond expectations with my work.


Front End

React HTML CSS Sass Bootstrap JavaScript - ES6 jQuery


Git Variety of AWS services Search Engine Optimisation Cross Browser Compatibility MySQL



A portfolio website showcasing my latest work, skills and testimonials. This website also provides for a live implementation area for any new techniques or frontend skills acquired.


The goal

To develop a live website that could be used as a single contact point for showcasing my own web development skills, portfolio, resume, CV, testimonials and contact details. The website must be mobile compatible and offer excellent UX. The overall purpose is to create a unique online presence for myself that showcases my portfolio in detail.

The process

Since the very beginning, UX for this website was paramount. After all, the main purpose of the website is to spark conversation, professional relationships and potentially bring exciting new opportunities forward.

The fixed left column and header bar compliment this and have remained in this current layout configuration since the wireframe stages. You will notice for desktop viewing that my name on the left, CV download button and even an image of myself beside all of the navigation buttons are always visible. This means that no matter how far through the site content you are in terms of scroll position, you always had these visual prompts and CTA's available. Wanting to keep a similar format for mobile too was achievable, after planning wireframes for mobile devices I went for the same name and download cv button fixed top but also a conditional contact section available from the menu via a burger menu button.

As the website would always just be a simple informational site, I found no need to use extra pages from my navigation or to use any server side languages, so I kept everything down to one speed optimised page. Since the early days of developing the site, I have stuck to using bootstrap for my layout and Sass for any other styles. Trying to make the site that bit more dynamic meant I later introduced Owl carousels for testimonial content and Fancybox 3 popouts for 'read more' content.

Whilst developing the website, optimisations have been on the forefront of my mind. I use Grunt to compress and minify my html/css code, then also use tasks to concatenate files to reduce the overall network requests. On top of this I use cloudflare CDN to serve my content (Gzip applied) and an Amazon S3 London region hosted file as source.


Implementation of new website functionality into client websites via means of JS injection. Working with a large variety of enterprise clients including FTSE250 companies.

AWS SES Template Manager

A simple productivity tool presenting a UI around the AWS SES CLI. This application allows for quick and easy reviewing, creating, updating, deleting and testing of AWS SES templates.

Intilery Chrome Extension

A chrome extension allowing internal support teams and external clients of Intilery a way of easily seeing sent analytics data from their websites.

Resume & Experience

Download my full CV via the following link:

Download CV

Senior Full Stack Web Developer

Blinx Solutions | April 2019 - Current

As a senior full stack web developer at Blinx Solutions I am predominantly responsible for developing new features into an existing pharmaceutical web application. New features would often require frontend changes and also include the development of new/updated backend API endpoints.

Development tasks will range from small UI implementations, to the planning and development of new complex features and functionality.

I have also been responsible for leading many internal greenfield projects which included using many AWS technologies such as AWS Lambda's (NodeJS), S3, API Gateway, DynamoDb, SES, SQS and more.

Frontend languages and technologies included (but not limited to) HTML/CSS, JS (ES6), Bootstrap 4, jQuery.

Web Developer

Intilery | April 2016 - April 2019

At Intilery I was developing a new version of the companies own analytics platform using predominantly Angular, JavaScript (ES6) and Bootstrap 4, but also using a range of other front end technologies.

I have also had a heavy involvement in developing and deploying bespoke front-end on site campaigns for large global companies within the gaming, travel, retail and comparison sectors. These on site campaigns would always involve DOM manipulation and injection of custom content based of criteria about the customer and/or their interactions and behaviours on-site.

Whilst building bespoke website functionality for clients I’m predominantly using languages such as HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript (ES6), jQuery and Bootstrap. The purpose of the onsite campaigns is to personalise the customer journey and offer new onsite features with then the intention of increasing customer conversion rates for the client.

Whilst working mostly with front end technologies, I have also been involved in following more of a full stack role at times which includes adding new platform backend features in object orientated Java and creating NodeJS AWS Lambda endpoints.

My role at Intilery also includes conducting both end to end testing and unit testing to ensure all work delivered is of the best quality and standards passing all tests including cross browser testing.

Managing Director

SigmaServe Ltd | October 2012 - October 2016

Whilst working at Sigmaserve I had overseen and was responsible for managing over 53 individual client projects both in the UK and overseas. Alongside this I was also responsible for the general management of the company and full time employees.

Projects overseen included anything from building small business websites using CMS systems such as Wordpress, to larger bespoke online applications using PHP. Clients would often provide us with a loose spec, concept or wire-frame and we would build and deploy this onto the web.

Working at Sigmaserve I used a combination of server-side and front-end web languages whilst always working in a fast-paced environment to ensure client deadlines and quality targets were met.

Website Developer

Max Lotto | March 2014 - May 2014

A fixed date contract to develop and build bespoke code for an existing CMS system using both front and back end languages such as PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML 5 and CSS 3 including the implementation of new features making use of Smarty templating. This job role involved me working as part of a large development team using Git version control.

Full Stack Developer

Compare Waste Costs | June 2013 - September 2013

A full stack development role that involved bespoke development of 'compare waste costs', a waste comparison website for comparing waste disposal costs for business' from around the UK. The site was built using the LAMP architecture and as part of the team, I was responsible for the planning, development, deployment and hosting of the site.

Site designs were provided in PSD format from the design team and created in front end HTML and CSS code.

Sharepoint Solutions Consultant

Web Media 360 | Feb 2013 - April 2013

Responsible for migrating sharepoint intranet systems and collaborating with staff Internationally for Vodafone. Content would be copied across from the old system, HTML syntax reviewed and amended if necessary, then saved on the new sharepoint system to be later reviewed before being made live.

Website Developer

The Funding Corporation | Jun 2012 - Jul 2012

A fixed term contract whilst in University where I was responsible for the planning, design and development of a bespoke system implemented using the LAMP architecture model. This online system made use of Google charting libraries to monitor and record the performance and any downtime of the companies internal servers.

The system would automatically deliver emails and text alerts to relevant members of IT staff if servers experienced problems, with the intention of keeping server downtime to a minimum.

Computer Science BSc Hons
University of Chester
2010 - 2013
